Lloyd on benefits and financial support

Published: 07 July 2020

Lloyd is stretching and has a smile on his face. He is wearing a black cap and black jumper.

When Lloyd was diagnosed with lung cancer, he worried about missing his mortgage payments if he took time off work for treatment.

Then he met Emma, a Macmillan Benefit Adviser, who made sure Lloyd got the benefits he was owed and didn’t have to face it alone.

'My mind was all over the place.'

If it wasn’t for Emma doing her job I would never have questioned whether I was receiving the right benefits – and it was twice that happened so I would have settled for the first payment because I knew very little about the benefits system.

The first time I made contact with Emma I think I was referred to the CABS team through my Macmillan lung specialist and just made an appointment and I think I went in to Lewisham hospital, which was the first place I met Emma.

As you can probably appreciate my mind was all over the place so to have someone like Emma who was organised and everything was precise – because of her organisation it made me become a bit more organised in how I was going to tackle my recovery.

'I took the 18 months I needed to make sure I was ready to go back to work.'

I visited Emma on a couple more occasions and she looked at the benefits and showed me different things I could do to up my benefits, like claiming disabled living allowance.

And then basically the same thing happened all over again until I was at a stage where the money I was receiving was at a level I could actually live on. That put my mind at ease and I just basically relaxed. I took the 18 months I needed to make sure I was ready to go back to work.

Being able to not to rush back to work it allowed me to recover fully instead of worrying how I was going to meet payments.

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