A short-term pause to our volunteer recruitment

Published: 19 June 2022
The words 'Coming soon...' on a green background

Volunteers may notice a reduced number of advertised opportunities with us in the coming weeks due to the launch of our new management system.

Macmillan is launching a new Volunteer Management System

Volunteering at Macmillan is undergoing an exciting transition with the launch of a new Volunteer Management System over the Summer.

This change will provide a smoother volunteer experience from the first step of searching for a role on our website, during recruitment and induction, and throughout the time spent with us.

This new system, called Assemble, will be accessible to volunteers on 2nd August 2022. We will be writing to all volunteers when it launches to tell them if and how they can make the most of the new system.

As you can imagine, this is going to mark a mighty change in the way we do things and whilst we’re working to introduce the new system, there will be notably fewer roles advertised on our website.

If you can't find what you're looking for please do come and search again in August, when we'll have plenty of new roles listed in our new and improved system.

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