Understanding advanced (metastatic) prostate cancer

Published: 28 Feb 2022
Next review: 28 Feb 2025
Edition: 6

This booklet is about advanced prostate cancer. It is for anyone who has been diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. There is also information for carers, family members and friends.

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Published: 28 Feb 2022
Next review: 28 Feb 2025
Edition: 6

This booklet is about advanced prostate cancer. It is for anyone who has been diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. There is also information for carers, family members and friends.

About this booklet

The booklet talks about the signs and symptoms of advanced prostate cancer. It explains how it is diagnosed and how it may be treated. It also has information about emotional, practical and financial issues.

Visit our online information about advanced (metastatic) prostate cancer.