Eating problems and cancer

Published: 31 Aug 2020
Next review: 31 Aug 2023
Edition: 4

This booklet talks about some common eating problems and why they might happen. It also suggests some practical ways to manage them.

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with ID: MAC13613
Published: 31 Aug 2020
Next review: 31 Aug 2023
Edition: 4

This booklet talks about some common eating problems and why they might happen. It also suggests some practical ways to manage them.

About this booklet

Many people have eating problems during and after cancer treatment. This can be related to the cancer or to the side effects of cancer treatments. This booklet talks about some common eating problems and why they might happen. It also suggests some practical ways to manage them. There is also information for carers, family members and friends.


Visit our online information about eating problems and cancer.


We want everyone affected by cancer to feel our information is written for them. To do this we use plain English and we try to make it accessible and relevant to the widest range of people. Read more about how we produce our information.


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How we can help

Macmillan Support Line
The Macmillan Support Line is a free and confidential phone service for people living and affected by cancer. If you need to talk, we'll listen. 


Financial guidance
Financial issues can cause worry when someone becomes ill. You may be able to claim benefits to help you in your situation. You may also be able to get financial assistance from other organisations.
Welfare rights advice and tools

There are lots of benefits that could help you after a cancer diagnosis, but the system can be confusing. Our Welfare Rights Advisors are here to help.