Understanding ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)

Published: 01 Oct 2023
Next review: 01 Oct 2026
Edition: 5
DCIS is the earliest form of breast cancer. The booklet talks explains how DCIS may be treated. It also has information about feelings, practical issues and money.
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Published: 01 Oct 2023
Next review: 01 Oct 2026
Edition: 5
DCIS is the earliest form of breast cancer. The booklet talks explains how DCIS may be treated. It also has information about feelings, practical issues and money.

About this booklet

This booklet is about ductal carcinoma in situ, usually called DCIS for short. DCIS is the earliest possible form of breast cancer.


DCIS is non-invasive. This means the breast cancer cells are contained in the ducts and lobules. They have not spread into surrounding breast tissue.


This booklet is for anyone who have been diagnosed with DCIS. There is also information for carers, family members and friends.


Visit our online information about DCIS.