MAC13612 Healthy eating and cancer E04

Healthy eating and cancer audiobook

Published: 01 Sep 2020
Next review: 01 Sep 2023
Edition: 4
MAC13612 Healthy eating and cancer E04
This audiobook is for people living with cancer or after cancer who want to know more about a healthy diet. It explains why diet is important and has tips on how to eat well and keep to a healthy weight. It also answers some common questions about diet and cancer.

Many people want to make positive changes to their lives when they have been diagnosed with cancer. Taking steps to live a healthier lifestyle is often a major part of these changes. This audiobook is for people living with or after cancer who want to know more about a healthy diet. It explains why diet is important and has tips on how to eat well and keep to a healthy weight. It also looks at some commonly asked questions about diet and cancer.

Visit our online information on healthy eating and cancer.

Listening time: around 1.5 hours.

with ID: MAC13612
Published: 01 Sep 2020
Next review: 01 Sep 2023
Edition: 4
This audiobook is for people living with cancer or after cancer who want to know more about a healthy diet. It explains why diet is important and has tips on how to eat well and keep to a healthy weight. It also answers some common questions about diet and cancer.

Many people want to make positive changes to their lives when they have been diagnosed with cancer. Taking steps to live a healthier lifestyle is often a major part of these changes. This audiobook is for people living with or after cancer who want to know more about a healthy diet. It explains why diet is important and has tips on how to eat well and keep to a healthy weight. It also looks at some commonly asked questions about diet and cancer.

Visit our online information on healthy eating and cancer.

Listening time: around 1.5 hours.

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