Multidisciplinary team (MDT) for leukaemia (leukemia)
If you have leukaemia, a multidisciplinary team (MDT) will look at a number of factors to help decide which treatments are likely to work best for you.
Your treatment for leukaemia (also spelt leukemia) will be planned by a team of specialists. This team is called the multidisciplinary team (MDT). It may include:
- one or more haematologists – doctors who specialise in blood cancers and disorders
- specialist haematology nurses or clinical nurse specialist – who give information and support
- a transplant consultant – an expert in managing and arranging stem cell transplants
- pathologists – who advise on the type of leukaemia, as well as any chromosome changes
- radiologists – who specialise in scans and x-rays
- pharmacists – who specialise in chemotherapy and other drugs.
The team may also include other healthcare staff, such as a social worker, dietitian, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, psychologist or counsellor.
When you are dealing with leukaemia, you may come across lots of new words and not know what they mean.
Some of these words are explained here. If you need more information or support, you can call the Macmillan Support Line free on 0808 808 00 00.
Structures that are inside most cells in the body. Each chromosome is made up of many genes. Genes are made of a chemical called DNA. They are the instructions that a cell needs to work properly.
Chromosome changes
Changes to a chromosome that can affect how the cell works.
The study of blood and blood-related illnesses.
Healthcare staff
People who provide care in health settings or in your home.
Different health professionals working together.

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