We work with UK Parliament

Macmillan brings the voice of people affected by cancer to Parliament. We work with Government and politicians to improve care and support at every stage of their experience living with cancer.

How we support MPs and Peers

The Houses of Parliament, UK

The Public Affairs Team at Macmillan works with MPs and Peers to ensure the issues impacting people affected by cancer are heard at the heart of Westminster.

Cancer care is at a tipping point and real people’s lives hang in the balance. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Together, we can transform cancer care now and in the future.

We can help you by arranging:

  • meetings with people affected by cancer
  • tailored local briefings with statistics and information from our teams working with your constituents, as well as briefings outlining the most pressing issues affecting people living with cancer nationally
  • service visits in your constituency
  • case studies, briefings, and statistics for debates and speeches
  • press releases, social media posts, and suggested Parliamentary Questions.

Get in touch

We’re keen to work with Parliamentarians and provide you with the tools you need to help us keep cancer on the agenda. For further information, please get in touch with us at parliament@macmillan.org.uk.

Macmillan in Parliament

Alongside meeting with and supporting Parliamentarians, we arrange a variety of events throughout the year:

  • Events at Westminster – including expert briefing sessions, drop-in sessions, and receptions, such as our Coffee Morning
  • Providing evidence at relevant Select Committees
  • Party Conference activity

Find out more about the work we do to influence governments and shape policy, as well as how we campaign for better cancer care and support.

Gemma Peters giving a speech in parliament

Gemma Peters with Will Quince

A person walking on a sidewalk next to a large green sign

How we can help your constituents

We do whatever it takes to get every person the best support today and spark a revolution in cancer care for the future. 

If you are an MP and a constituent needs any information, advice, or emotional support following a cancer diagnosis, for them or a loved one, please signpost them to Macmillan’s support services. You can find out about all the ways we can help or download an overview of the support we can offer your constituents.

If a constituent wants to talk about their care or the support a Macmillan Professional can provide, you can encourage them to get in touch with the hospital, hospice or GP practice that is supporting their treatment. 

If you would like to meet with a Macmillan Professional to discuss their work and the support they can provide, we may be able to assist. Please get in touch with us at parliament@macmillan.org.uk.