Can you tell us about your career so far?
I qualified as a nurse around ten years ago, after looking after my Grandad at the end of his life. He didn’t have the best death in hospital, but there was an end of life care facilitator there who made everything easier for us as a family. She inspired me to train as a nurse and care for people at the end of life.
I worked on medical and rehabilitation wards in Berkshire, and then in Brighton, with a focus on end of life care and care for the elderly, which has always been a passion. I then joined the discharge team at Royal Sussex County Hospital, and loved being involved in complex discharge planning for patients.
'The role came at the right time for me'
I relocated to Yorkshire, working in the discharge team at Pinderfields Hospital, which is part of the Mid-Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust. I always knew that I wanted to come back to end of life care. About three years ago, the Trust applied to Macmillan to fund an end of life fast track discharge facilitator, who would develop a rapid discharge process for people at the end of life.
The role came at the right time for me and encapsulated everything from my previous experience. We developed the process working with stakeholders from across the district, including hospices, nursing homes, pharmacists and ward managers. We stripped back lots of inefficiencies and made the process much simpler and more streamlined. That experience led me to apply for the role of end of life care facilitator for the Trust. We still have a fast track facilitator in place, and we work closely together.