QR Codes

Find out what QR codes are, how Macmillan uses them and how you can use them when fundraising for Macmillan.

Update about QR codes

We are currently changing our QR Code provider for 2023. We are working internally on re-issuing unique QR codes to all of our fundraisers. In the meantime, you could set up a JustGiving page. Then put /qrcode at the end of your JustGiving page link (URL) and your QR code will appear. The data collected is completely secure because we have built in security levels and all codes are locked to Macmillan experiences.

If you have a question or are concerned about a specific QR code you've seen mentioning Macmillan, please contact our Fundraising Support Hub by calling 0300 1000 200

Individuals fundraising through JustGiving, may also use QR codes so you can donate to their fundraising pages easily. If you are unsure whether a JustGiving QR code is real, please contact the fundraiser directly.

JustGiving and QR codes

Through your JustGiving page

There are two main QR codes which you can use with JustGiving when you are fundraising for Macmillan.

The Macmillan JustGiving Page

If you are fundraising through JustGiving but not for a specific event, you may want to direct your supporters to the Macmillan page on JustGiving.

Promoting your own personal JustGiving page

If you have your own personal JustGiving page set up, then creating your unique QR code is easy. 

All you need to do is add/qrcode to the end of the url of your page. This will then allow you to share the QR code with your supporters. It will take them directly to your page. 

Visit JustGiving for more information on how to do this


Coffee Morning QR codes

QR stickers in our World’s Biggest Coffee Morning packs help make donating as accessible and easy as possible. The QR code then links to your very own Coffee Morning fundraising page, which you can set up when you register. You can also print out a copy of your QR code to use as a poster, which will help encourage cashless donations.