A group of six healthcare professionals standing in a line smiling at the camera.

Macmillan Learning Offer

At Macmillan, we understand that you’re dedicated to delivering the best outcomes for cancer patients. That’s why we’re in your corner to help make part of your job more manageable - like accessing high quality education and training resources.

Education at your pace

A flexible offer all in one place

Aspirant Cancer Career and Education Development (ACCEND)

Explore more resources

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Healthcare professionals podcast

Listen to discussions about clinical practice and personal experiences and get practical advice to help improve your knowledge and skills in supporting people with cancer.

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Healthcare professionals blogs

Read our regularly updated blog posts on the latest innovations in cancer treatment and care, as well as reflections from conferences and insights from our Centre of Clinical Expertise.

Green circular icon with white monitor illustration
2024 Prospectus

Find out about the full range of education and training opportunities for health and social care professionals, including e-learning, on-demand resources and live online courses.