Cake recipes
Whip up a delicious cake for your Coffee Morning with our sweet array of cake recipes. From Guinness cake to carrot cake we have something for everyone.
Apple cake with pecan nut streusel recipeOur take on the classic German apple cake with streusel topping. Sure to fill your home with the sweet smell of baked...
Carrot cake recipeThe carrot cake is a staple among the classics. With hints of cinnamon and nutmeg, a moist base and rich frosting,...
Cherry and almond tray bake recipeA simple yet crowd pleasing tray bake that's easy to slice up and serve at your Coffee Morning.
Chris Robshaw's pear and ginger cake recipeA lovely dark and rich cake with slices of pear which cut through the sweetness of the sugar, golden syrup and...
Coffee and walnut cake with cardamom recipeAnother perfect pairing that’s never out of fashion. The cardamom adds an extra zing to this all -round classic. It...
Greg Rutherford's salted caramel and peanut brittle showstopper recipeIf you really like your cake, this recipe is worth the effort. Sweet salted caramel and crunchy peanut brittle are a...
Lemon and lavender drizzle loaf recipeTake your classic lemon drizzle to the next level with this lavender-infused loaf cake – an easy crowd-pleaser for...
Luis Troyano's golden carrot cupcakes recipeThese carrot cupcakes with delicious golden cream cheese icing will be the brightest cakes at your Coffee Morning.
Luis Troyano's red velvet cupcakes recipeWith decadent cream cheese frosting and a rich sponge, these red velvet cupcakes are a perfect sweet treat to pair...
Martha Collinson's chocolate and pomegranate layer cake recipeThis layered cake is a perfect balance of sweet and tart. The flavour of pomegranate contrasts but complements the...
Michelle Evans-Fecci's cherry bakewell Battenberg cakeThese two brilliant, British classic flavours of almond and cherry, combine to make a wonderfully eye-catching and...
Michelle Evans-Fecci's pineapple upside down cupcake recipePut your bake-off skills to the test with this exotic, tropical pineapple upside down cake full of fruitiness.
Michelle Evans-Fecci's strawberry arctic roll recipeThis take on an arctic roll recipe pitches the sweetness and freshness of strawberries with the coolness of ice cream.
Nigella Lawson's chocolate Guinness cake recipeA Nigella Lawson classic, this chocolate Guinness cake is a perfect mixture of stout and rich chocolate flavour....
Revani cake recipeMake your Coffee Morning one to remember with this delectable take on the traditional Middle Eastern and...